Connecting the Events of the 18th of Elul
What happened on the 18th of Elul, otherwise known as "Chai Elul" in the Chassidic world? Why do many Chassidim and other followers recognize this day as an important day in the Jewish calendar? Rav Yehuda HaKohen clarifies the events of this day and how we can use the events...
Your Creator Believes in You! Why don’t you?
Once again, we recieved a lot of strengthening words from the Piasetzna Rebbe Hy'd, who explains how necessary it is to believe in ourselves. And if we dont, trust God and the Tzadikim who do believe in us and follow their advice for us how to actualise our endless potential.
Who Are We to Judge: Seeing the Good in Ourselves
Who are We to Judge 3: The to Seeing Good in Others is really to See Good in Ourselves
Rebbe Nachman explains in this peice the importance of Simcha, how much we need to be careful to ensure that we don't go down a path that leads us to sadness and feeling bad about ourselves. This depends on us seeing good in ourselves, appreciating and loving ourselves. And this...
Chovat HChova Hatalmidim 59: Becoming a Master of Making Strong Decisions
This powerful lesson from the Piasetzna Rebbe z"l opens up a discussion about the elements and qualities one needs in order to be a true servant of Hashem. Two of those are "ratzon" - strong desire, and "hachlata" - decision making. This means deciding at a moment of clarity and...
Your Creator Believes in You! Why Don’t You Believe in Yourself?
Once again, we recieved a lot of strengthening words from the Piasetzna Rebbe Hy'd, who explains how necessary it is to believe in ourselves. And if we don't trust God and the tzadikim, who does believe in us? Who can we turn to for their advice and how do we...