Shiurim about Hilchot

How to Confuse Satan on Rosh HaShana - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn
Tefillat HaDerech - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn
The Power of Hope - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn
People Who Are Different to Me: A Jewish View - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn
Informing on Others: Whistleblowing in Halacha - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn
Understanding the Responsibility of Giving - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn
Allocating scarce resources - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn
Why do we separate challah? - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn
Magic and Halacha - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn
Astrology and Magic in Halacha - Rabbi Yisrael Cohn