Shiurim about Eretz Yisrael Corner

EYC114 Purim & the Honor of EY (19/02/13)
EYC113 Parshat Trumah - Where is the Shechinah?
EYC112 How Can We See the Shechina? Torat Eretz Yisrael (29/01/13)
EYC110 Greater Meaning Behind Secular Building of Eretz Yisrael - Rav Teichtal
EYC109 Vayigash Haftara - Yehezkel 37- 2 Mashiachs
EYC108 Who Said Dwelling in EY Equal to All the Mitzvot?
EYC107 Teachings of Rav Charlap for his Yahrzeit
EYC106 Are the Mitzvot Worth More in Eretz Yisrael? (13/11/12)
EYC105 Balfour Declaration
EYC104 Parshat Yayera - Gaza is EY - Land for Peace?