Shiurim about Eretz Yisrael Corner

EYC93 Does the Holiness of Eretz Yisrael Depend on Doing Mitzvot There?
EYC92 Parshat Naso - Priestly Blessing/Divine Blessing via Am Yisrael in EY
EYC91 Shechina Complete when Am Yisrael In Eretz Yisrael -Chesed L'Avraham
EYC90 Yerushalayim (15/05/12)
EYC89 Parshat Behar - Bringing G-dliness into This World (08/05/12)
EYC88 Parshat Vayikra- Hashem is Waiting for Us
EYC87 Siddur Yaabetz- EY: All the Torah Stands on It
EYC86 Q&As on EY and Aliya and the Uplifting of Mankind
EYC85 Rav Yaacov Emden - Intro to Siddur (15/02/12)
EYC84 Eating Fruits of EY: Gluttony or Holiness? Ben Ish Chai