Shiurim about Orot Hatshuvah

Orot Hatshuvah 4:6-7 - The Essential Drive of Am Yisrael (31/12/14)
Orot Hatshuvah 4:3,4,5 - Yaakov, Esav, Yosef the Dreamer, Fixing the World (09/12/14)
Orot Hatshuvah 4:2 - What Is Tshuvah Really? (02/12/14)
Orot Hatshuvah 4:1 - Waves Of Hashem's Love Washing Over Us (25/11/14)
Orot Hatshuvah, Ch.3 - When Can You Know You Are Connected? (18/11/14)
Orot Hatshuvah, Ch.3 - Unexplained Depression and the Way Out (11/11/14)
Orot Hatshuvah Ch.3 - The Experience of Tshuvah (04/11/14)
Orot Hatshuvah Ch.2 {series 5775} (28/10/14)
Orot Hatshuvah 1:1 - The Ultimate Tshuvah from Love {series 5775} (16/09/14)
Orot Hatshuvah 1:1 - Physical Tshuvah {series 5775} (10/09/14)