Shiurim about Great Rabbis in Jewish History

Rabbi Rabinovitch: Discovery of the Key to Maimonides - Rabbi Natan Kotler
HaRav Kook & HaRav Nachman: Trust & Faith - Rabbi Aharon Rothman
A Message from Rabbi Shimon - Rabbi Newman
HaRav Nachman and Emuna - Rabbi Aharon Rothman
A journey in the Footsteps of Rabbi Akiva and Bar-Kochba - Rabbi Natan Kotler
Rabbi Kook and Rabbi Nachman: Trust and Faith - Rabbi Aharon Rothman
Seeing the Good: The Path of Rabbi Akiva - Rabbi Natan Kotler
The Lights Of The Chashmona'im - Rabbi Menachem Listman
Lives of Tannaim - Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel (26/08/12)
Lives of Tannaim - R' Matya ben Charash (23/07/12)