We continue our Derech Hashem series exploring the importance of connecting to our physicality in order to be close to Hashem. Rav Hyman teaches Ramchal's limits to his rule of connecting to Hashem through physicality - Where do we draw the line when it comes to using the physical world...
Derech Hashem 10: What is our involvement with Physicality?
The relationships between Man's Condition and the World's Condition: Man's pursuit is to achieve perfection, and become closer to God. How do we achieve that goal, or aspire to it? The Ramchal teaches us about the key relationship between the body and the soul and how we can have our...
Derech Hashem 9: Why Does Our Body Feel So Much Stronger than Our Soul?
Derech Hashem #4: Free Will II (Ch. 3)
We are the masters of our own fate, our own direction in life. That is the ramification of having 100% free choice. How do we utilize our freedom of choice to elevate ourselves spiritually? Is there a disadvantage to having free choice? What are the advantages of being created that...