TZAV – Haftorah

The intrinsic value of the State of Israel is not dependent on the number of observant Jews who live here. Of course, our aspiration is that all of our people will embrace the Torah and the mitzvot. Nonetheless, the State of Israel is a mitzvah of the Torah, whatever religious...


The Zohar teaches us that no matter how good it is in Chutz LaAretz – even from a spiritual standpoint – something is lacking, for true perfection can only be attained in God’s special Holy Land!

Shabbat Zachor – Amalek

The goal of the Amalekites of the past, and those who have followed in their path through the generations until today, is to show everyone that Israel is like all the nations and can be fought and humiliated, and even annihilated, as Haman and Hitler tried to do, and as...

HaRav Dov Begon – PURIM

The more we delve deeply in study to clarify and know our roots, going back to our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the more we will discover what unites us as a Naation. We will discover ourselves and our private and universal destiny, and we will march together up the...

Rabbi Meir Kahane – Purim

Mordechai is the Jew of honest tradition who knows that there is only one home — the Land of Israel — and that all the rest, the most progressive and the most enlightened nations, in the end, turn upon the Jew and demand his head.

ESTER – HaRav Shlomo Aviner

Ester’s greatness is based on her self-sacrifice, which is of the highest of all attributes.  Our Sages tell the story of a scholar who died.  Upon the revival of his soul, his father asked him what he had seen in the heavenly world.  He answered: I saw a world opposite...