Purim by HaRav Shlomo Aviner, from his book “Moadim LeSimcha.”
Please click on the LINK below. His writings on Purim begin on page 82.
Purim by HaRav Shlomo Aviner, from his book “Moadim LeSimcha.”
Please click on the LINK below. His writings on Purim begin on page 82.
“The setbacks we experience are temporary. All steps backwards are transitory and passing. One must look at the global upheaval involved in bringing us back to our Land, and recognize that this is the Divine unfolding of, ‘When the L-rd brings the exiles back to Zion.’
Rashi explains that in the eyes of the Gentiles, when they see Jews scattered around the globe in foreign lands, Hashem appears to be too weak, Heaven forbid, to safeguard the life of the Jewish People in the Land of Israel.
It is known that our Torah is eternal, and if the Torah says about Ishmael that he is a wild beast of a man, then Ishmael will remain forever a wild beast of a man.
“During our long wandering in the Galut, in foreign lands, without our own Jewish Nationhood, we forgot the importance of our physical sides, having only the spiritual world to sustain us. But in our return to being our own Nation in our own Land, we need to foster our physical natures as well, in order to build the strong physical vessel needed to house the great spiritual light which returns to the Nation when we return to the Holy Land, just as in our glorious days of old.”
Yaacov hoped that his burial in Eretz Yisrael would remind his children that the Land of Israel was their one and only Homeland – not Mitzrayim.