Elul: Coming Closer To God by coming closer to Ourselves

In this piece from the sefer "Divrei Elimelech" we learned that the days of Elul are called "yemei ratzon"  (days of desire).  Just like the days that Moshe Rabeinu was on Mt. Sinai recieving the second tablets and atonement, so too, these days every year are days of great closeness...

Your Creator Believes in You! Why don’t you?

Once again, we recieved a lot of strengthening words from the Piasetzna Rebbe Hy'd, who explains how necessary it is to believe in ourselves.  And if we dont, trust God and the Tzadikim who do believe in us and follow their advice for us how to actualise our endless potential.

The Golden Path – What Path Should We Choose? Ch.2, Mishna 1

Rav Weiss discusses the commentary of Rav Yitzchok of Velozin for the first Mishna in the Second Chapter of Pirkei Avot : איזוהי דרך ישרה שיבור לו האדם? What is a path that one should pursuit? The path one should pursuit, according to Rav Yitzchok of Velozin is the path...