Identifying with a community is also sharing in the community's sorrow. The Talmud teaches us that only one who participates in the community's sorrow can truly rejoice with their community. How is that truly connecting to the Tzibur, community, and not self serving? Rav Weiss explains Rashi's interpretation of the...
Live Life to the Fullest! – Life & Afterlife
Rav Frankenthal dives into the Mishna in the second chapter of Pirkei Avot discussing a perspective on life - from Judgement Day to what we control and don't control in our lives. One of the main take-aways from the Mishna is to live life to the fullest, and realize that...
The Power of Community and Ramifications of Removing oneself from Community
The Second Chapter in Pirkei Avot, misha #4, discusses the point of not separating oneself from the community - al tifrosh min hatzibur. What does Hillel mean by this statement? Why is this an essential quality to a Jewish lifestyle? How does one distance themselves from the community and why is...
The Golden Path – What Path Should We Choose? Ch.2, Mishna 1
Rav Weiss discusses the commentary of Rav Yitzchok of Velozin for the first Mishna in the Second Chapter of Pirkei Avot : איזוהי דרך ישרה שיבור לו האדם? What is a path that one should pursuit? The path one should pursuit, according to Rav Yitzchok of Velozin is the path...
Giving vs. Receiving – What is the balance?
How can we properly do a mitzvah that is "Good for the giver and good for the receiver"? According to Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, altruism needs to be balanced with the needs of the receiver. How do we strike that balance? Rav Weiss examines the appropriate balance of giving Tzedaka,...