Elisha the Prophet – Emerging from the shadows of Eliyahu Hanavi

This shiyur is in memory of Rav Israel Rozen, z"l, one of the great connectors between Halacha and technology.  The miracles of Elisha - the leader in the shadow of Eliyahu Hanavi.  What miracles was Elisha able to do and what was their significance? How did Elisha's style of leadership...

The Haftorot of Nechama #4: Build, Build, Build!

The 4th Haftorah of Nechama, from the Book of Yesha'ayahu is רוני עקרה לא ילדה (Yesha'aya ch. 54 / ישעיהו פרק נד). The prophet Yesha'ayhu explains in a command to build up Jerusalem, a city that is barren - עקרה. Yesha'ayhu's main message is for Israel to not let themselves...

Melachim I Chapter 18: The Epic Battle Between Achav and Eliyahu

During the times of Eliyahu Hanavi and King Achav, there was tremendous political and financial prosperity. The dichotomy, however, is that spiritually the nation of Israel are in dire straits. Idolatry is rampant, and there is a serious threat of war on Israel, because of their spiritual downfall.  Eliyahu HaNavi...

King David’s Eulogy for Shaul and Yehonatan

Why does King David eulogize King Shaul, especially after King Shaul attempted to assassinate King David on multiple occasions? What was the true genuine relationship between King David and Yehonatan? And what lessons can we learn from this eulogy in our lives?

Shmuel I, Chapter 1 – Elkana and his two wives

Elkana has two wives, Chana and Penina. Chana is the eventual mother of the prophet Shmuel. How did Chana merit to give birth to Shmuel? Rav Frankenthal discusses Chana's journey through being barren of children to eventually becoming the mother of one of the more influencial prophets in the History...