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Israel's Redemption - Rabbi Moshe Kaplan
Israel's Redemption - Rabbi Moshe Kaplan
Israel's Redemption - Rabbi Moshe Kaplan
Israel's Redemption - Rabbi Moshe Kaplan

RK Expressing Gratitude as Road to World Perfection – Ein Ayah Shabbat I:9-10 Part 1

Another example of how Rav Kook shows the ways of G-d that bring man to his spiritual, moral perfection. Benefactor is to notify the recipient of his gift in order to enhance the trait of feeling and expressing gratefulness because that trait will ultimately be the foundation for the betterment of mankind and the world. Why and how? Revolution in man’s motivation. Rising above selfish, personal interest. Drive to do that which is good in the eyes of G-d which is above and beyond even the most lofty ideas and ideals man could ever have. Indeed important to learn and understand the ideals of the Torah and mitzvot, the great good they bring about etc,. but not to lower the Divine Ideal to that limited vision of perfection according to the world as it is presently in its fallen state. All we understand and can understand is still nothing compared to the good G-d knows and has in store for creation.

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